- In competitive oarsmanship there was no place for sneaky or equivocal behavior.
- Its subject throughout is competitive oarsmanship at a high level, and it consists of exactly nine paintings, two watercolors and a group of perspective drawings.
- Contemporary reports of Kelly's oarsmanship were glowing :'his natural sense of poise and rhythm made his boat a live thing under him '.
- Currently, those wishing to join must have raced competitively for a period of years with their founding club, won enough status points, and displayed sufficient proficiency in oarsmanship to qualify.
- Crowden later noted that while he believed the initially sinking to be more down to " inferior oarsmanship rather than an accident ", he was certain that his crew would have failed to finish the course had they been allowed to continue.
- "Muttlebury had a natural aptitude which amounted to a genius for rowing, and, as he was not only massively large and full of courage but herculean in muscular strength, it was inevitable that he should be an outstanding exponent of oarsmanship.
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