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  • Realising his true feelings, Guido relents and all sing a final chorus and the curtain falls to the words  Miaou ! .
  • On the coins, the clan chief's name appears as " ???? " or " " ????? ", which has been variously transliterated as " Ilou ", " Maou " or " Miaou ".
  • Yon cites the ballad " Wind that blows across the sea ", Hirvoia's brindisi, the police sergeant's comic song and the first act finale with its'romance du miaou'and waltz song, as evidence of Offenbach keeping to his high musical standards.
  • He has a pet cat called Mi-kun ( named Miaou in the French version ), which he adopted after the then-kitten's mother, which was injured and apparently dying, brought him to Zero's office, and was later brought with Zero on board the " Arcadia ".
  • It's difficult to see miaou in a sentence. 用miaou造句挺难的
如何用miaou造句,用miaou造句miaou in a sentence, 用miaou造句和miaou的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。