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  • Do not play with a metronome to increase speed
  • This may be indicated numerically by the number of beats in a second , measured mechanically by a metronome or other such device
  • The use of sound is especially masterly , acting almost like a metronome for the actions on - screen . meanwhile ,
    《蒙特利尔的一刻》 ( 1969 ,黑白, 26分钟)以巧妙的时差展现一张张雪地照片,剔除空间与活动,纯时间的探索。
  • Yet class after class , i watched boys dressed in blue blazers and gray pants head toward girls in flowered shifts whose perfect ponytails swung back and forth like metronomes
  • It's difficult to see metronome in a sentence. 用metronome造句挺难的
如何用metronome造句,用metronome造句metronome in a sentence, 用metronome造句和metronome的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。