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  • Application of metabonomics in complicated theory system research of traditional chinese medicine
  • High performance liquid chromatographic ( hplc ) technique has been employed in metabonomics studies recently
  • Conclusion the efficiency for finding of leading compounds could be improved if the isolation is based on metabonomics under the guidence of the new method of botanical mixture determination by 1h - nmr
  • On the one hand , the theoretics of drug discovery become more comprehensive and more profound as the development of numerous new disciplines such as genomics , proteomics , transcriptomics , metabonomics , bioinformatics and system biology ; on the other hand , the pathways for new drug discovery are broadened by the continuous improvement of technological platforms including computer - aided drug design , high throughput screening , high content screening , biochip , transgenic and rnai technology
  • It's difficult to see metabonomics in a sentence. 用metabonomics造句挺难的
如何用metabonomics造句,用metabonomics造句metabonomics in a sentence, 用metabonomics造句和metabonomics的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。