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  • Mesothoracic and abdominal spiracles are brown.
  • When halteres are experimentally induced to flap, volleys of action potentials within the mesothoracic neuropil where flight muscle neurons are located.
  • For example, the " Ultrabithorax " genotype gives a phenotype wherein metathoracic and first abdominal segments become mesothoracic segments.
  • However, not all of the legs are the same length; the prothoracic portion accounts for 29 % of leg length, the mesothoracic 31 %, and the metathoracic 41 %.
  • The best defining feature, unique to the family, is the mesothoracic spiracle has moved, and is actually located in the upper corner of the pronotum, though this is a fairly obscure feature to see.
  • It is similar in colour and pattern to " Macroglossum passalus ", but the thorax upperside and sometimes the first abdominal tergites are green, with no sharply defined dark area on the mesothoracic tegula.
  • The Pyraustinae are characterised by atrophied mesothoracic tibiae; an often spinose antrum; and a sella ( a medially directed clasper on the inside of the valvae ), and an editum with modified setae on the male valvae.
  • It's difficult to see mesothoracic in a sentence. 用mesothoracic造句挺难的
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