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  • Christine is top of the pops with mervin since she helped him with his typing
  • Mervin says he doesn ' t need to wear glasses whereas in reality he ' s practically blind without them
  • Mervin is a typical lion - hunter ; he gets himself invited to publisher ' s parties so that he can meet all the top authors
  • To further expand the division , in 1997 , quiksilver acquired mervin , a snowboard manufacturing company that makes gnu and lib tech snowboards and bent metal bindings
    为进一步扩展此部门, quiksilver于1997年收购了mervin公司一家滑雪板制造公司,产品有gnu和lib技术滑雪板以及bent metal绑带。
  • It's difficult to see mervin in a sentence. 用mervin造句挺难的
如何用mervin造句,用mervin造句mervin in a sentence, 用mervin造句和mervin的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。