- Meroplankton forms an algal medium that is found between the loosely mixed sediments and water.
- Survival and mortality of meroplankton has a direct effect on adult population numbers of many species.
- Meroplankton consists of larval stages of organisms such as sea urchins, starfish, crustaceans and dinoflagellates and diatoms.
- After a period of time in the plankton, meroplankton either graduate to the nekton or adopt a sessile ) lifestyle on the seafloor.
- Success of meroplankton populations depends on many factors, such as adult fecundity, fertilization success, growth and larval stage duration, behaviour, dispersal, and settlement.
- "' Meroplankton "'is a term used to describe a wide variety of planktonic organisms, which spend a portion of their lives in the benthic region of the ocean.
- Many of the common, well-known animals found on the Great Barrier Reef spend time as free-swimming meroplankton, bearing little or no resemblance to the adult they will become.
- Western part of the sea, which is more saline, hosts three forms of " Acartia clausi ", as well as " Centropages ponticus ", meroplankton and larvae of gastropoda, bivalvia and polychaete.
- It's difficult to see meroplankton in a sentence. 用meroplankton造句挺难的
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