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  • He was recalled and Merobaudes defeated the Bacaudae of Aracellitanus in 443.
  • Scholars identify him as the unnamed subject of a poem of Flavius Merobaudes.
  • Modern historians, however, downplay Merobaudes'role in Maximus'usurpation.
  • In 443 he was succeeded by this son-in-law Merobaudes.
  • In 436, the Burgundians of King Merobaudes.
  • Around 375, Emperor Valentinian I appointed Merobaudes " magister peditum ".
  • That title might fairly be claimed for Rutilius, unless it be reserved for Merobaudes.
  • Valentinian II ruled together with his brother Gratian, and Merobaudes influenced both of them.
  • According to ancient sources, in 383 Merobaudes supported the usurper Magnus Maximus and was put to death by the Emperor.
  • His work as a military intellectual places him in the tradition of Xenophon, Julius Caesar, Ammianus Marcellinus, and Flavius Merobaudes.
  • It's difficult to see merobaudes in a sentence. 用merobaudes造句挺难的
  • After Valentinian I's death in that same year, Merobaudes stated that he could control the army only if Valentinian's son, Valentinian II, was to be appointed Emperor.
  • In 378 Merobaudes disobeyed Gratian, as he did not send his troops to help Eastern Emperor Valens when he was defending the frontier from the Alemanni attack; Valens then died in the Battle of Adrianople.
  • Formerly the only piece known under the name of Merobaudes was a short poem ( 30 hexameters ) " De Christo ", attributed to him by one manuscript, to Claudian by another; but Ebert is inclined to dispute the claim of Merobaudes to be considered either the author of the " De Christo " or a Christian.
  • Formerly the only piece known under the name of Merobaudes was a short poem ( 30 hexameters ) " De Christo ", attributed to him by one manuscript, to Claudian by another; but Ebert is inclined to dispute the claim of Merobaudes to be considered either the author of the " De Christo " or a Christian.
  • In 1813 the base of a statue was discovered at Rome, with a long inscription belonging to the year 435 ( B . G . Niebuhr discovered some Latin verses on a palimpsest in the monastery of St Gall, the authorship of which was traced to Merobaudes, owing to the great similarity of the language in the prose preface to that of the inscription.
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