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  • 17 zion spreadeth forth her hands , and there is none to comfort her : the lord hath commanded concerning jacob , that his adversaries should be round about him : jerusalem is as a menstruous woman among them
  • Zion spreadeth forth her hands , and there is none to comfort her : the lord hath commanded concerning jacob , that his adversaries should be round about him : jerusalem is as a menstruous woman among them
    哀1 : 17锡安举手、无人安慰耶和华论雅各已经出令、使四围的人作他仇敌耶路撒冷在他们中间、像不洁之物。
  • If there is a man who lies with a menstruous woman and uncovers her nakedness , he has laid bare her flow , and she has exposed the flow of her blood ; thus both of them shall be cut off from among their people
    利20 : 18妇人有月经、若与他同房、露了他的下体、就是露了妇人的血源、妇人也露了自己的血源、二人必从民中剪除。
  • It's difficult to see menstruous in a sentence. 用menstruous造句挺难的
如何用menstruous造句,用menstruous造句menstruous in a sentence, 用menstruous造句和menstruous的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。