menstruation cycle造句
- Functional periodicity was the idea of women being functionally impaired during their menstruation cycle.
- Women have to attest to their virginity and schedule their wedding day around their menstruation cycles.
- It was a deliberate decision to design the regimen to mimic the ordinary monthly ovulation / menstruation cycle.
- In women, a variety of types of HRT will either give a menstruation cycle or not as preferred by the patient.
- He is credited with introducing a gynecological graphic aid involving menstruation cycles called the " Kaltenbachschema " ( Kaltenbach chart ).
- Typically, the menstruation cycle lasts 28 days . About two weeks before the start of the menstrual period, an egg is released by one of the ovaries.
- :I'm not sure but there are species of which the females use the moon to correct their biological calendar ( menstruation cycle ), the menstruate simultaneously then.
- To become a shaman, the girl ( still at a young age, mostly after the start of the menstruation cycle ) had to undergo very intensive training specific to the " kuchiyose miko ".
- Unpleasant side effects of sex-related vasocongestion may lead to the cramp-like pain of " blue balls " in males and an unpleasant pelvic " heaviness " in women, similar to the start of the menstruation cycle.
- It's difficult to see menstruation cycle in a sentence. 用menstruation cycle造句挺难的
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