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  • He suffered losses in his struggle with Xi Menqing and fight with Jiang Menshen.
  • "' Menshen "'or "'door gods "'are divine guardians of doors and gates in Chinese folk religions, used to protect against evil influences or to encourage the entrance of positive ones.
  • It is also known as " Yunyng Tu? " ( ?& ??) or " Mandarin Duck Leg . " In " The Water Margin "'s 28th chapter, entitled " Drunken Wu Song beats Jiang Menshen innkeeper ", it mentions that Wu Song uses the following moves : " step of nephrite ring, leg of mandarin duck ".
  • Many of the books published in the beginning were reprints of books previously published in the United States or by Kotik, among which is the first book the series " Visenshaftlikhe folks-bikher ", " Vi Haben Menshen Gelebt mit Einige Toizend Yor Tzurik ? " ( " How People Lived Thousands of Years Ago ? " ) By Boris Pavlovich, translated by Kotik and Bressler, and " Yosef Perl : Zayne Literarishe un Allgemayne Arbeit " ( " Joseph Perl : His LIterary and General Work " ) by Bresler.
  • It's difficult to see menshen in a sentence. 用menshen造句挺难的
如何用menshen造句,用menshen造句menshen in a sentence, 用menshen造句和menshen的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。