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  • mendelian gene is not a real physical entity but an abstraction or symbol .
  • It is rather disappointing that so few of the features show clear-cut mendelian pedigree patterns .
  • Chapters 2-5 are devoted to the basic concepts of mendelian and population genetics which are of greatest concern in tree improvement .
  • This information is valuable both as a prelude to linkage analysis, which generally assumes mendelian transmission
  • If the characteristic is governed by simple mendelian genes, the typical monohybrid and dihybrid ratios become apparent in the f2 generation
  • mendelian genetics, genetic mapping techniques, and statistical analysis of large populations and their application to particular studies in behavioral genetics
  • The segregation proportion of target genes in transgenic tl progeny is 3 : 1 . accordant with the law of mendelian segregation in a single loci . 4
  • Today the subject has four main subdivisions mendelian genetics ( classical genetics ), population genetics, cytogenetics, and molecular or biochemical genetics
  • He was blacklisted in the former soviet union and its satellites as the founder of a “ reactionary ” discipline, and mendelian genetics was declared a pseudoscience
  • Ninety-four segregating markers were identified, among which 74 ( 78.7 % ) were in agreement with 1 : 1 mendelian ratio, and 20 ( 21.3 % ) were distorted markers
  • It's difficult to see mendelians in a sentence. 用mendelians造句挺难的
  • Genetic analysis of progeny from the crosses of wtxcex1-1 and wtxcex1-2 demonstrated that the phenotypes of cex1-2 mutants were inherited as a single recessive mendelian marker
  • These results indicated that the cloned osg6b " had a constitutive characteristics but not anther specificity, and the transgene was segregated in a mendelian fashion in the tl generation
  • Microsatellite marker has many advantages such as a great quantity, extensive dispersion around the genome, high polyomorphism, mendelian codominant inheritance, rapid and convenient detection
  • Excellent tutorials and problem sets for learning biochemistry, cell biology, developmental biology, human biology, molecular biology, mendelian genetics, and immunology from the university of arizona
  • Add to that the exceptions of half-bloods, muggle-borns and squibs and the temptation to analyze its hereditability in terms of mendelian genetics becomes almost unbearable ( for some of us anyway )
  • Characters controlled by the dna of extranuclear organelles are not inherited according to mendelian laws and are transmitted only through the female line, since only the female gametes have an appreciable amount of cytoplasm
  • It proceeds by testing models of varying degrees of generality, both to determine whether a mendelian locus is likely to exert a large effect on the phenotype of interest and to estimate the magnitude of genetic sources of variation in the trait
  • The researches acquired suggest that manipulating ferritin expression and other soluble components of seed iron in soybeans and possibly other seeds, using mendelian genetic technique and biotechnological approaches, could contribute to a sustainable solution to the global problem of iron deficiency
  • Through testing these aflp markers on the hybrids that constructed fe-efficient and fe-inefficient bulk, 18 loci were found maybe linked with fe-efficient trait and exhibited normal mendelian segregation . linkage relationships were established by the inheritance of the markers in the entire analysis population . these markers localized in the same linkage group
  • In 2001, wilson and his colleagues cloned another two members-human wnk1 gene and wnk4 gene which were located on chromosome 12 and 17, respectively . the two genes are disease-causing genes responsible for a mendelian hypertension . the disease-causing mutations are the large deletions in the first intron in wnk1 gene, causing increased expression in leukocytes
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