- A pang shot through him at the memor of his lamplit hours in the low-studded drawing-room. few as they had been, they were thick with memories .
他回忆起在那饰钉钉得很低,点着煤油灯的客厅里度过的几个钟头,一阵剧痛猛然向他袭来。尽管只有为时极短的几个小时,但却令人回味无穷。 - Alloy wheels sunroof power front leather seats with memor
合金轮圈天窗双前记忆电动真皮座 - Rwm read write memor y
读写存储器 - Super huge memor
超级贪吃蛇 - Automatic deallocation of unwanted memor - the most common yet repeated mistake that programmers make occurs while using system memory
程序员最常见且总是重复出现的错误是在使用内存时。这个项目演示了自动回收不需要的内存的方法。 - It's difficult to see memor in a sentence. 用memor造句挺难的