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  • In Tango, teams had to travel across to Teatro Lola Membrives and filled with similar-looking tango dancers.
  • The play has been translated into Spanish and premiered in Buenos Aires, Argentina at the Teatro Lola Membrives, starring Norma Aleandro and Mercedes Mor醤.
  • In 1982 she starred in the musical revue, " " Libertad Lamarque, 縠s una mujer de suerte ? " " at the Teatro Lola Membrives in Buenos Aires.
  • One of the exceptions was La Compa耥a Argentina de Comedias Mecha Ortiz ( the Argentine Comedy Company of Mecha Ortiz ) which included a cast of Ortiz, Lola Membrives, Rosa Rosen and Narciso Ib狁ez Menta.
  • Camila Quiroga also worked with Tango singer Carlos Gardel, and other remarkable artists such as Florencio Parravicini, Lola Membrives, Pablo Podest? Blanca Podest? Enrique Mui駉, Angel Maga馻, Delia Garc閟, Gog?Andreu, Milagros de la Vega y Pedro L髉ez Lagar and Alfonsina Storni.
  • It's difficult to see membrives in a sentence. 用membrives造句挺难的
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