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  • Its three-nerved, dorsal sepals are membranaceous and hairless.
  • The peristome is thin, membranaceous, columellar margin much curved inwards.
  • The pseudobulbs and rhizome are covered with membranaceous sheathes.
  • They produce a membranaceous bag to hold the eggs, which is carried on the underside.
  • Seeds reniform, suspended; testa thick, crustaceous, shining black; tegmen soft, membranaceous.
  • The perianth consists of 1-5 white, membranaceous tepals ( missing in some " Corispermum " species ) without vascular bundles, not persistent.
  • At maturity the grayish one-seeded pod is tomentulose and membranaceous and can be easily rubbed off the single shiny black 5 mm long reniform seed that it tightly encloses.
  • The genus " Poa " includes both leaves are narrow, folded or flat, sometimes bristled, and with the basal sheath flattened or sometimes thickened, with a blunt or hooded apex and membranaceous ligule.
  • They are by, elliptic in outline, sharply angled at the apex, papery to membranaceous in texture, ciliate ( i . e ., fringed ) along the upper margins, and longitudinally flanged or winged along the middle.
  • Its lip is attached to the apex of its thin, un-hornlike column foot ( 2-2.4 mm long by 1 mm wide ) is ovate-triangular and purple-tinged, with a rounded to obtuse apex, and a base decurrent into a long, entire, glabrous, membranaceous, three-nerved claw.
  • It's difficult to see membranaceous in a sentence. 用membranaceous造句挺难的
  • The three species found in South Africa, " S . multiflorus ", " S . puniceus " and " S . membranaceous, " are the most widely cultivated, being tolerant of winter temperatures down to . " S . multiflorus " subsp . " multiflorus " is cultivated for sale in large quantities by the Dutch nursery industry.
  • Fingers rather short, first extending beyond second; toes moderate, obtuse, nearly entirely webbed; a much developed membranaceous fringe along the fifth toe; sub-articular tubercles moderate; inner metatarsal tubercle very variable, small and blunt, or ( var . " ceylanica ", Ceylon and S . India ) nearly as long as the inner toe, strongly compressed, crescent shaped, shovel-shaped; no outer tubercle, a tarsal fold.
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