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  • In the end he confesses to Melusine what he has done.
  • A freshwater mermaid-like creature from European folklore is Melusine.
  • One brother spied through the door, and saw Melusine bathing.
  • He played in the folk group Melusine from 1975-1990.
  • This appears to be an early version of the legend of Melusine.
  • This is a reference to the wailing Melusine looking for her children.
  • He also gives voice to Melusine's hand mirror.
  • The young Count Raymond meets Melusine by a fountain.
  • This is a version of the legend of Melusine.
  • Upon hearing of their father's broken promise, Melusine sought revenge.
  • It's difficult to see melusine in a sentence. 用melusine造句挺难的
  • For more information consult the Wikipedia article on Melusine.
  • She appears to be related to the mythical figure Melusine in French folklore.
  • Melusine, a fairy, marries Raimondin of Lusignan.
  • Witness the story of Melusine from medieval France.
  • They built the Ch鈚eau de Lusignan in 15 days, naming it after Melusine.
  • She was Pressyne, mother of Melusine.
  • The three girls  Melusine, Melior, and Palatyne  grew up in Avalon.
  • Melusine was condemned to take the form of a serpent from the waist down every Saturday.
  • Melusine is one of the pre-Christian water-faeries who were sometimes responsible for changelings.
  • On their fifteenth birthday, Melusine, the eldest, asked why they had been taken to Avalon.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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