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  • These may have been inspired by his traveling companion, the naturalist Georg Marcgraf.
  • German naturalist Georg Marcgraf first described the bird, called " guaruba " in his expedition to Dutch Brazil in 1638.
  • Together with Georg Marcgraf, and originally published by Joannes de Laet, Piso wrote the " Historia Naturalis Brasiliae " ( 1648 ), an important early western insight into Brazilian flora and fauna, also is the first scientific book about Brazil.
  • Systematic descriptions of the birds were first available in German naturalist Georg Marcgraf's " Historia Naturalis Brasiliae " published in 1648, and English naturalist Mark Catesby's two-volume " Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands " published in London in 1731 and 1743.
  • To that end, Johan Maurits brought from Europe with him a team of artists and scientists who lived in Recife between 1637 and 1644 : painter Albert Eckhout ( specializing in the human figure ), painter Frans Post ( landscape painter ), natural historian Georg Marcgraf ( who also produced drawings and prints ), and the physician Willem Piso.
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