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  • The first , second and third prizes went to james , lytton and tom respectively
  • Lytton strachey once said that “ the painted veil , ” which was published in 1925 , was a novel at the top of the second rank , and the same could be said of most of maugham ' s work
    雷顿斯特拉奇曾说, 1925年出版的《面纱》 ,是二流小说中顶尖的,毛姆大部分作品也可以如是说。
  • Helena petrovna blavatsky , founder of the theosophical society , was a huge bulwer - lytton fan and may have decided he was presenting true facts , disguised as fiction
  • One idea may actually have originated with edward bulwer - lytton , who in his satirical book the coming race posited the existence of " nine unknown men " who secretly run things in the world
  • It's difficult to see lytton in a sentence. 用lytton造句挺难的
如何用lytton造句,用lytton造句lytton in a sentence, 用lytton造句和lytton的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。