- On december 2002 , we produce 1270 pieces plane models of " little hawk 500 lightplane " for shijiazhuang aircraft industry co . , ltd . this plane will fly first in shijiazhuang on october 2003
2002年12月为石家庄飞机工业公司生产"小鹰500轻型飞机"飞机模型1270架,该飞机将于2003年10月在石家庄首飞 - On december 2002 , we produce 1270 pieces plane models of " little hawk 500 lightplane " for shijiazhuang aircraft industry co . , ltd . this plane will fly first in shijiazhuang on october 2003
2002年12月为石家庄飞机工业公司生产"小鹰500轻型飞机"飞机模型1270架,该飞机将于2003年10月在石家庄首飞; - It's difficult to see lightplane in a sentence. 用lightplane造句挺难的
如何用lightplane造句,用lightplane造句,lightplane in a sentence, 用lightplane造句和lightplane的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。