- He introduced them to the high society of transalpine libertinage.
- The Pasha's titular harem, for example, reprised themes of sexual libertinage.
- There is a posthumous work of his entitled " La foy victorieuse de l'infid閘ite et du libertinage ".
- The work shocked conservative sensibilities with its supposed libertinage, and was only taken up by the literary magazine following Zarifopol's intercession.
- That root Puritanism _ still far more characteristic of us than the libertinage our fussbudgets wrongly see everywhere _ underlies more of the anti-abortion debate than is usually acknowledged.
- Ms . Gray makes it clear that some of this behavior was fairly standard for the decadent French aristocracy of the time, which is why the word libertinage was in common use.
- During the first few months of their marriage, the couple appeared devoted to each other, but the duke went back to the life of " libertinage " he had led before his marriage.
- Adams emphatically recalled that his parents " held every Species of Libertinage in . . . Contempt and horror, " and portrayed " pictures of disgrace, or baseness and of Ruin " from any debauchery.
- Just before he completed " Perfil del aire ", in March 1926, the Madrid book-seller Le髇 S醤chez Cuesta had already delivered to him a copy of " Le Libertinage " by Louis Aragon.
- ""'The 120 Days of Sodom, or the School of Libertinage " "'( " Les 120 Journ閑s de Sodome ou l'閏ole du libertinage " ) is a novel by the French writer and nobleman slaughter.
- It's difficult to see libertinage in a sentence. 用libertinage造句挺难的
- ""'The 120 Days of Sodom, or the School of Libertinage " "'( " Les 120 Journ閑s de Sodome ou l'閏ole du libertinage " ) is a novel by the French writer and nobleman slaughter.
- His influence remained fairly large and lasted well into the 1950s; during the fifties his influence began to wane but a number of literary periodicals, especially " Libertinage " and " Tirade " remained faithful to a number of ter Braak s ideas.
- He has set two films ( one recent, one to come ) in the 18th century, and that age of enlightened libertinage probably appeals to him, for despite his crow's-feet, he reminds an interviewer of an oddly amiable Marquis de Sade _ fundamentally chilly but as mirthful as a schoolboy.
- Very quickly he resumed the life of what was called " libertinage, " pursuing sexual liaisons with many mistresses ( one of whom was Renee-Pelagie's pretty younger sister ) and, more to the Sadean point, raiding lower-class neighborhoods for men and women to be used in his kinky orgies.
- His hilarious satires of avaricious fathers, " pr閏ieuses ", social parvenues, doctors and pompous literary types were extremely successful, but his comedies on religious hypocrisy ( " Tartuffe " ) and libertinage ( " Don Juan " ) brought him much criticism from the church, and " Tartuffe " was only performed through the intervention of the king.
- There remains some controversy as to the extent to which Gassendi subscribed to the so-called " libertinage 閞udit ", the learned free-thinking that characterised the " T閠rade ", the Parisian circle to which he belonged, along with Gabriel Naud?and two others ( 蒷ie Diodati and Fran鏾is de La Mothe Le Vayer ).
- His hilarious satires of avaricious fathers, " pr閏ieuses ", social parvenues, doctors and pompous literary types were extremely successful, but his comedies on religious hypocrisy ( " Tartuffe " ) and libertinage ( " Dom Juan " ) brought him criticism from the church; " Tartuffe " was only performed because of the king's intercession.
- Francis Poulenc literally sang her praises, considering her an equal to Paul 蒷uard and Max Jacob, found in her writing " a sort of sensitive impertinence, " libertinage ", and an appetite which, carried on into song [ is ] what I tried to express in my extreme youth with Marie Laurencin in " Les Biches " . " ( Ivry 1996)
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