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  • Guys , you have to lie across the liberator pad
  • The coalition came to iraq as liberators
  • A quality education is the ultimate liberator
  • You would be the liberator of egypt
  • Remember to take your liberator pads
  • Just like any jewish liberator
  • It was believed to be a liberator from demonic influences and represented justice and virtue
  • Barmaid in jury s . or the moira , was it ? they passed under the hugecloaked liberator s form
  • A connected museum paints japan in its wars of 1937 - 45 as the liberator of asia , a victim of western belligerency
    于是游就馆就将日本粉饰成1937 - 1945年亚洲战争的解放者和与西方交战的受害者。
  • A connected museum paints japan in its wars of 1937 - 45 as the liberator of asia , a victim of western belligerency
    于是游就馆就将日本粉饰成1937 - 1945年战争的亚洲解放者和西方穷兵黩武的受害者。
  • It's difficult to see liberator in a sentence. 用liberator造句挺难的
  • Polish wing commander bohdan kleczynski said he found the device burning under his mattress as he rested on the b - 24 liberator plane
    他说,当时他正在那架b - 24解放号飞机上休息,他发现床下有一枚炸弹正在燃烧。
  • And now , we are surprised to see that the liberated rise against the liberators ; we are surprised by the war that is still present
  • He is known as the legendary hebrew liberator , leader , lawgiver , prophet , historian , and founder of israel , or the jewish people
  • It was believed to be a liberator from demonic influences and represented justice and virtue . in the middle ages , it was the symbol of strength , courage , and invulnerability
    3 、火彩进入宝石的白色光经一系列折射和反射后,以五颜六色的彩光形式射出宝石面被观测者所接收到。
  • Peppino was a handsome young man of four or five and twenty , bronzed by the sun ; he carried his head erect , and seemed on the watch to see on which side his liberator would appear
  • Much of xiamen ' s magic is in its colorful history . its bay rumbled with cannon fire of the liberator zheng chenggong and the great cannon of hulishan repelled the japanese
  • My voice shall never be joined to those which decry goethe ( 歌德 ) , and if it is said that the foregoing is a lame and impotent conclusion to goethe ' s declaration that he had been the liberator of the germans in general , and of the young german poets in particular , i say it is not
  • If the u . s . and its allies prevail in a relatively quick war with minimal loss of life , if further evidence of saddam ' s malevolent intent surfaces , and if the iraqi people welcome allied forces as liberators rather than conquerors , then quibbles about legality may be overlooked
如何用liberator造句,用liberator造句liberator in a sentence, 用liberator造句和liberator的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。