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  • She firmly relied on the liberality of his intentions .
  • He was a man of extraordinary vigour and liberality of mind .
  • The most remarkable feature in the whole occasion was the excessive liberality of the archdeacon .
  • He hoped that would be no insurmountable objection to a man of his liberality of sentiment .
  • It seems absurd at first sight that we should despise their persons, and yet reward their talents with the most profuse liberality .
  • The tang dynasty is a period remarkable for its liberality
  • Practical , easy , liberality , luxury , type ,
  • Many polygamists moved to mexico because of the relative liberality of mexican law
  • Conquer anger by love , evil by good ; conquer the miser with liberality , and the liar with truth
  • Mr buffett ' s splendid liberality , announced this week in fortune , is noteworthy for more than its magnitude
  • It's difficult to see liberality in a sentence. 用liberality造句挺难的
  • Mr buffett ' s splendid liberality , announced this week in fortune , is noteworthy for more than its magnitude
  • And when i come , whomsoever ye shall approve by your letters , them will i send to bring your liberality unto jerusalem
  • Again : tellson s was a munificent house , and extended great liberality to old customers who had fallen from their high estate
  • It was powerfully backed by his liberality and good - humour . she felt that she liked him - that she could continue to like him ever so much
  • Mr . cruncher could not be restrained from making rather an ostentatious parade of his liberality - i d catch hold of your throat and choke you for half a guinea
    克朗彻先生忍不住要夸张地炫耀一下他的豪气, “我敢拿半克朗打赌,一定要抓住你的喉咙把你掐死。 ”
  • If you are resolved , i must proceed to your initiation , said the rhetor , coming closer to pierre . in token of liberality i beg you to give me everything precious you have
    “如果您坚定不移,那末我就要开始引导您了, ”修辞班教师走到皮埃尔近旁时说道, “我请您向我交出全部贵重的物品以示慷慨。 ”
  • Those virtues were : discretion , the keeping of the secrets of the order ; obedience to the higher authorities of the order ; morality ; love for mankind ; courage ; liberality ; and love of death
  • " i was inspector - general of the pasha s troops , " replied morcerf ; " and it is no secret that i owe my fortune , such as it is , to the liberality of the illustrious albanese chief .
    “我是总督的三军总司令。 ”马尔塞夫答道, “我没必要隐讳,因为事实的确如此,我是借助于那位威名远震的阿尔巴尼亚首领的慷慨才发家致富的。 ”
  • The " big easy " the combination furniture speak to investigate the liberality , practical and luxury , all - directions expand the furniture s product market , regardless and inside upscale , still low file product can all can put
  • " i told you the other day , of his infamous behaviour to mr . darcy ; and you , yourself , when last at longbourn , heard in what manner he spoke of the man who had behaved with such forbearance and liberality towards him
    伊丽莎白红着脸回答道: “我当然了解,那一天我已经把他对待达西先生的无耻行为说给你听过。人家待他那么宽宏大量,可是你上次在浪搏恩的时候,曾经亲耳听到他是以什么的态度谈到人家。
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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