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  • Functions of experiential - interpersonal bi - functional lexis in text
  • How to improve the teaching of lexis in public english class
  • What are the main difficulties of the text ? lexis ? syntax ? sentence structure ? style
  • The lexis , phonemes and grammar of different national languages all bear rich cultural implications
  • Our products include hearing aid , lexis equips , blue tooth and related hearing equipment
  • Our products mainly include hearing aid , lexis equips , blue tooth and related hearing equipments
  • Semantic opacity in japanese mainly results from the use of semantically vague , polysemic , and general lexis
  • This article discusses one of the important cohesion means - lexis cohesion , and applies it to english reading
  • The bold repetitions of lexises and sentences help to express character , advance plot and tone up the expressive force
  • " anti - aids tour gets on track , " china daily , 1 november 1999 ; in lexis - nexis academic universe , 1 november 1999 , http : / / www . lexsnexis . com
  • It's difficult to see lexis in a sentence. 用lexis造句挺难的
  • " beijing opens ' aids hotline , ' " xinhua , 9 april 1992 ; in lexis - nexis academic universe , 9 april 1992 , http : / / www . lexisnexis . com
  • " aids virus - infected patients taken good care of , " xinhua , 7 december 1987 ; n lexis - nexis academic universe , 7 december 1987 , http : / / www . lexisnexis . com
  • “ china to launch nationwide aids prevention campaign , ” deutsche presse - agentur , 28 october 1995 ; in lexis - nexis academic universe , 28 october 1998 , http : / / www . lexsnexis . com
    10月28日据官方报道,现有2 , 248名中国人感染艾滋病病毒,其中77名发展成艾滋病。
  • " guangdong steps up fight against aids , " xinhua , 30 november 1991 ; in lexis - nexis academic universe , 30 november 1991 , http : / / www . lexisnexis . com
  • " aids can be checked in china - experts , " xinhua , 22 july 1987 ; in lexis - nexis academic universe , 4 may 1987 , http : / / www . lexisnexis . com
  • " china has massive aids education drive , " xinhua , 1 december 1995 ; in lexis - nexis academic universe , 1 december 1995 , http : / / www . lexisnexis . com
    12月1日世界艾滋病日公布的数字表明,现在中国有2 , 594名中国人感染艾滋病病毒,其中80名发展成艾滋病, 50名已经死亡。
  • " china emphasizes prevention and monitoring of aids , " xinhua , 5 august 1989 ; in lexis - nexis academic universe , 5 august 1989 , http : / / www . lexisnexis . com
  • Amy woo , " china - health : aids makes deadly inroads in the hinterlands , " inter press service ( new delhi ) , 24 april 1997 ; in lexis - nexis academic universe , 24 april 1997 , http : / / www . lexisnexis . com
    4月7日在世界卫生日的纪念会上,卫生部长陈敏章说“艾滋病现在正在中国流行” 。
  • “ china has not yet discovered aids patients , " xinhua , 24 october 1986 ; in lexis - nexis academic universe , 24 october 1986 , http : / / www . lexisnexis . com
  • Chan wai - fong , “ 70 pc of aids cases ‘ are drug addicts , ’ ” south china morning post , 27 december 1994 , p . 6 ; in lexis - nexis academic universe , 27 december 1994 , http : / / www . lexisnexis . com
    12月27日卫生部的疾病控制司报告在中国70 %的艾滋病病毒感染者是共用针具进行静脉注射毒品者。
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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