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  • Ms . lesley f . h . lau , curator art promotion office of the lcsd
  • Prices fluctuated violently from the irregularity of the crops ( lesley b . simpson
    由于作物产量不稳定导致价格剧烈波动(莱斯利b ?辛普森) 。
  • As the days passed , lesley ' s frustration mounted and she felt a sense of alarm
  • As the months slipped by , lesley ' s exhaustion became noticeable in her eyes
  • Lesley became determined to target every major city where jeff normally contracted business
  • Meanwhile , for lesley the nightmare continued to unfold as the reality of the situation deepened
  • Lesley yalen is a poet and fiction writer who is currently getting her mfa at the university of massachusetts
  • A review of major developments in commercial property law over the last twelve months . ( lesley webber of beachcroft wansbroughs )
  • The following day , happily for lesley , the headline of the local paper read , “ father turns over child . mother slams system
    翌日,使莱斯利感到高兴的是当地报纸的头条新闻: “父亲将孩子送回,母亲猛烈抨击体制” 。
  • Lesley ' s company had been hired to advertise the new science complex in order to raise corporate money for the proposed building
  • It's difficult to see lesley in a sentence. 用lesley造句挺难的
  • Unfortunately , a crime was about to committed but at that moment lesley was unaware of the impending event , which would affect her life so drastically for the next two years
  • " ponies and zebras very rarely share the same environment even in the wild . a meeting between the two is very rare in the natural environment , " said lesley barwise - munro , spokeswoman for the british equine veterinary association
    英国兽医协会研究马科动物的女发言人莱斯丽-巴外斯-曼路说: "野生状态下,矮种马和斑马共同相处的可能性极少,二者很少有机会相遇。
  • " we know high body weight increases the risk of a number of cancers and it is important we get this message out to as many people as possible , ” the daily mail quoted dr lesley walker , of cancer research uk , as saying
    《每日邮报》援引英国癌症研究中心的莱斯利?沃尔克博士的话说: “我们知道,体重过大会增加患各种癌症的风险,因此,我们要让尽可能多的人知道这个信息。 ”
  • It s possible that individuals who exercise in cooler water may have an exaggerated energy intake following exercise which may be a reason why they don t lose as much weight said lesley white of the college of health and human performance who led the study
    领导这次研究的健康与人类行为学院的莱斯利怀特说: “部分在冷水中游泳的人可能通过吃又吸收了更多的热量,这可能就是他们不能减肥的原因。 ”
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