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  • The lenten season is a time for fasting , mortification and concern for others
  • The lenten fast dictated that the simnel cake had to keep until easter
  • The annual lenten campaign is an appropriate occasion for forming people in the spirit of charity
  • No hare , sir ; unless a hare , sir , in a lenten pie , that is something stale and hoar ere it be spent
  • Today , it is hard to find a good restaurant that does not offer a lenten menu during the lenten fast in russia
  • Dear faithful , our effort to respect life , to defend family values and to care for our neighbour will make this lenten season a meaningful one
  • All the banquetthe meat dishes and the lenten fare alikewas sumptuous , but still he could not be perfectly at ease till the end of dinner
  • If the title my lenten pastoral letter , sounds familiar to you , it is exactly how our late john baptist cardinal wu cheng - chung summarized the overall vision of our diocesan synod s deliberations
  • Am i evangelizing by serving and concern ? the lenten campaign organized by caritas hong kong is an appropriate occasion for us to be generous . let us give joyfully , not calculating money , action and love
  • Am i evangelizing by serving and concern ? the lenten campaign organized by caritas hong kong is an appropriate occasion for us to be generous . let us give joyfully , not calculating money , action and love
  • It's difficult to see lenten in a sentence. 用lenten造句挺难的
  • The christmas tree , first erected in 1996 , constitutes rio de janeiro ' s third biggest tourist event after the pre - lenten carnival and new year ' s eve on copacabana and other beaches
  • The special collection in question , which should be dealt with separately from the lenten campaign donations and from those to be taken up for the holy land on good friday , may carry on so long as the atypical pneumonia epidemic persists
  • The special collection in question , which should be dealt with separately from the lenten campaign donations and from those to be taken up for the holy land on good friday , may carry on so long as the atypical pneumonia epidemic persists
  • Our diocesan lenten campaign gives us another opportunity to exercise our generosity . with the money collected , we can still help the victims of the tragedy , we may also help many other people in need , especially the elderly in facing difficulties , for whom the holy father has a special thought in this year s lenten message
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