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  • The sea was of a lapis lazuli blue .
  • Lapis lazuli , shell , red limestone and gold
  • Lapis lazuli is associated with power , wisdom , and love
  • 134 media report lapis lazuli light world magazine
  • They are circling the lapis lazuli stone in clockwise direction
  • Lapis lazuli : strengthens the immune system . 6th chakra
  • And it is the color of lapis lazuli
  • Lapis lazuli helps to broaden the viewpoint and break down barriers
  • Lapis lazuli is said to overcome melancholy , depression , and insomnia
  • False lapis lazuli
  • It's difficult to see lazuli in a sentence. 用lazuli造句挺难的
  • Swimming around the capstone , which brown thought might have been lapis lazuli , he discovered an entrance and decided to explore inside
  • But the quality of the lapis lazuli in these other mines , so far , have not been able to equal those extracted from afghanistan
  • So i share this auspicious event with all on my list . it is a gold ring with one dragon each inscribed on two sides of an oval shape lapis lazuli
  • Her consecrated ones were purer than snow , they were whiter than milk ; they were more ruddy in body than corals , their polishing was like lapis lazuli
    哀4 : 7锡安的贵胄、素来比雪纯净、比奶更白他们的身体、比红宝玉或作珊瑚更红、像光润的蓝宝石一样。
  • Scarabs were made from a wide variety of materials such as carnelian , lapis lazuli , basalt , limestone , schist , turquoise , ivory , resin , steatite , and bronze
  • In europe the color was called ultramarine , which means " from beyond the seas " . lapis is the latin word for stone , and the arabian word lazuli refers to the color blue
    青金石的英文名称为lapis lazuli ,来自拉丁语lapis lazuli ,前者意指宝石,后者则指蓝色的宝石。
  • It is one of the first stones used as jewelry , usually in the form of a beaded necklace or carved pendant . excavations in the mediterranean countries show that lapis lazuli and ornaments were associated with royalty
    青金石的英文名称为lapislazuli ,来自拉丁语lapislazuli ,前者意指宝石,后者则指蓝色的(宝石) 。
  • Many people consider lapis lazuli to be a stone of truth and friendship . it is said to bring harmony in relationships and facilitate open communication . it is reputed to enhance awareness , insight and intellect
  • It was was recognized as a symbol of ability , success and divine favor . many people consider lapis lazuli to be a stone of truth and friendship . it is said to bring harmony in relationships and facilitate open communication
  • Maybe some of you have no idea of what lapis lazuli light is like , so i send you the attached file for you to see some lapis lazuli stones , with the hope that you will then know what lapis lazuli light is like
    你们之中或许有人对于琉璃光的显现没有概念,因此我寄给你们附呈档案以供你们看看一些青金石(译注:此即佛号中之“琉璃”所指) ,希望因而你们能够了解琉璃光是什么模样。
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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