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  • This situation is not compatible with the need for high power output that requires large lasing volumes .
  • Transverse parasitic lasing suppression in a petawatt ti : sapphire laser amplifier
  • Of course , to carry out ultraviolet lasing emission is what one expects to do
  • In - phase wavelength conversion in semiconductor optical amplifier in critical lasing state
  • The value of freight prepaid has to be shown on bills of lasing
    所有货物由四只20英尺集装箱运输,运输条件"场-场" ,并将此信息在提单上显示
  • Test method for normal pulse lasing threshold and slope efficiency of nd : yag laser rods
  • Can it be lasing on ito just as on glass ? our experimental answer was positive
  • Test method for continuous lasing threshold , slope efficiency and output power of nd : yag laser rods
  • Simultaneously , the big current needed for lasing also can pass through an organic thin film , showed by an experiment
  • Up to now , the visible emission and ultraviolet lasing emission of zno have been the subject of much research
  • It's difficult to see lasing in a sentence. 用lasing造句挺难的
  • It was concluded that lasing was waveguided in ito layer and amplified near the interface in lighting layer where gain was obtained by light pumping
  • Using this expression , the interrelation of the carrier density in each segment and the emission wavelength can be predicted while the laser is lasing
  • We then study in details the lasing kinetics mechanisms , both the additive hydrogen into the cvls and the " black center " of the cvls with a large bore
  • Liu chengpu , xu hui and fan xijun , effect of doppler broadening on the gain in an open ladder inversionless lasing system , j . optoelectronics ? laser , 2002 ( 13 ) : 848
    朱孟正,徐慧,李静娟,樊锡君,开放的四能级无反转激光系统研究,光电子?激光2003 ( 14 ) : 986
  • Some new small mass molecule organic laser dyes with blue emitting color , were found . lasing were realized with waveguide structure of some materials " films on glass substrate
  • 6 . an opo resonant cavity is optimized to get a better lasing performance and the opo is used to perform the cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy detection of ethane
    优化设计了基于周期极化铌酸锂( ppln )晶体的光参量振荡器的谐振腔结构,并用此激光器测量了乙烷的腔内增强吸收光谱。
  • The main contents of the dissertation are in solving key technological problems , developing new laser dyes , and studying their lasing property : effects of microcavity are very sensitive to their size
  • The effect of atomic coherence has attracted much attention in quantum optics such as lasing without inversion , the enhancement of nonlinear process , the storage of pulse and laser cooling
  • In this amplifying way , lasing was firstly realized in an organic emitting diode in the area . the gain region was produced by light pumping through ito side of the sample , and electrical injection was also applied
  • Many novel physical phenomena such as coherent population trapping , lasing without inversion , electromagnetically induced transparency as well as spontaneous emission cancellation and enhancement based on quantum interference have been discovered
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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