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  • In his old age cato became lascivious and misconducted himself with a woman slave .
  • The lascivious person was put in prison
  • That man used to be a lascivious person
  • Fang , i feel . lascivious people
    尖牙124 ,我感觉到了。
  • I was there to protect her from the importunities of lascivious men
  • I wouldn t let my brother , not even my own brother , most lascivious thing
  • She was a lascivious bitch , this marcelle , and pleasant at the same time
  • Weary too in sight of lovers , lascivious men , a naked woman shining in her courts , she draws a toil of waters
  • Afterwards he invited to a similar gathering procurers , catamites collected together from all sides , and lascivious boys and young men
  • There exist in " beauties " multiple connotations in the writing of " dreams for beauties " : beauties as unity of love and beauty , amorous beauties , symbolic beauties , and prostitutes as lascivious beauties
    在“美人幻梦”的书写方式中, “美人”具有多重蕴含:爱与美合一的美人,爱欲的美人,象徵意义的美人,神女则是“放荡”的美人。
  • It's difficult to see lascivious in a sentence. 用lascivious造句挺难的
  • Sun - the sun dete generally denote one of an obscure white colour mixed with red ; a round face , and short chin , a fair stature , and one of comely body ; his colour sometimes betwixt yellow and black , but for the mod parts more sanguin then otherwayes : a bold man and resolute , his hair curling ; he hath a white and tender skin , one desirous of praise , fame and estimation amongst men ; he hath a deer voyce and great head , his teeth somewhat distort or obliquely set , of slow speech but of a composed judgment ; using outwardly a great decorum in his actions , but privately he is lascivious and inclinable to many vices
如何用lascivious造句,用lascivious造句lascivious in a sentence, 用lascivious造句和lascivious的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。