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  • You have only to the world i feel ! lacus
    全世界我只对你有感觉! lacus
  • This is the happiest thing in my life i love you found ! lacus
    这辈子最幸福的事就是发现我爱你! lacus
  • Moving to the left , right , get out of your world , i love lacus
  • Diagenetic traps in fault - depressed lacus basin : take eh3 member in biyang depression as an example
  • My world does not allow you disappear , regardless of the outcome perfect . i love lacus
  • Not to give up a piece of a tree forest . unfortunately , i was inside the forest , only a tree . . i love lacus
    不要为了一棵树而放弃了一片森林.可惜我的森林里面,只有一棵树. .我爱lacus
  • Major faults " moving intensively led to deep strata sinking . the depositional centre was still in the centre techtonic zone . the lacus continuously extended
    4 、在对工区主要火山岩储层?粗面岩研究的基础上,提出了该区火山岩储层的成因机制及其模式。
  • After late of early permian period , deposits of deltas and lacus took shape extensively along with up - lifting of yimeng area in the north and marine regression of this area
  • Parallax stalks behind and goads them , the lancinating lightnings of whose brow are scorpions . elk and yak , the bulls of bashan and of babylon , mammoth and mastodon , they come trooping to the sunken sea , lacus mortis
    大角鹿与牦牛,巴珊238与巴比伦之公牛,猛犸象与柱牙象,均成群结队涌向下陷之海死海239 。
  • 3kms to the city center ; 15kms to ningbo airport ; 5kms to ningbo railway station ; 6kms to the exhibition center ; surrounding landscape : tianyi square , lunar lacus scenery spot , tianyi pavilion , tiantong temple , waitan , asoka temple , dongqian lake
  • It's difficult to see lacus in a sentence. 用lacus造句挺难的
  • Under the guidance of new principles and methods of modern sedimentology , detrital petrography , reservoir geology , diagenesis , this thesis has carried out detailed study on paleogene formation correlation , sedimentary environment , characteristics of sedimentary facies and diagenesis of the eastern kuche depression , tarim basin , dina area being taken as the main target of the study . based on the core , geology logging , log and seismic data from 9 typical wells , combined with the data of the adjoining area , the dominant sedimentary types of the study area have been recognized and illustrated , such as fan - delta , lacus and normal delta . in terms of the analysis on the sedimentary facies of typical and connecting wells in different areas and facies belt , together with the paleogene tectonic evolution characteristics of foreland basin , the distribution and evolution of the sedimentary facies of the study area have been clearly discovered both vertically and laterally
  • Based on the synthetic research of field outcrops , drilling section , well log and office compilation , combined with analyses of geological background , lithological association , sedimentary texture , sedimentary structure , geochemical and palaeobiological features , the researched area in the palaeozoic can be divided into deltas , braided deltas , lacus , barrier coast , continental shelf and carbonate platform etc . six kinds of sedimentary facies
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