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  • On the dorsal surface of the dentary there is an interdental ridge that separates successive teeth labially.
  • In the fourth cusp, the ridge hardly extends posteriorly, but rather labially, forming the posterior margin of the tooth and joining a ridge descending from the last labial cusp.
  • This would appear to mean that is a more-or-less typical labio-velar approximant in most situations, with an unrounded semi-fricative allophone, approximately, before the vowel, though possibly a labially compressed velar in that environment.
  • It's difficult to see labially in a sentence. 用labially造句挺难的
如何用labially造句,用labially造句labially in a sentence, 用labially造句和labially的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。