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  • Matisse juxtaposes intense colors, varied patterns and a rhythmic line .
  • When they were together the jacobean and the victorian ages were juxtaposed .
  • Comparison will be easier if you juxtapose the two objects
  • We tried to juxtapose the sculptures to give the best effect
  • The act or an instance of juxtaposing or the state of being juxtaposed
  • He tried to juxtapose the photos of his girlfriend on the desk to show his love
  • Method so you could juxtapose the xml files produced after each use case
    Conversionsinsert . xml ,使您可以在每个用例后对比生成的xml文件。
  • These types of conjunctive words can be summarized into three types : juxtaposing , attaching , and condensing
  • The different groups of magnetic pole juxtapose in this series products , the magnetic line transmit along quadrangle
  • The newspaper france soir juxtaposed images of napoleon and hitler yesterday before asking : " did napoleon invent the final solution ?
    法兰西晚报25日刊登了题为拿破仑制造了“最终解决” ?
  • It's difficult to see juxtapose in a sentence. 用juxtapose造句挺难的
  • He juxtaposed the magnificence of jacquard fabrics with the savage edge of animal skins , transformed into fitted sheaths
  • Religion is interpreted in this article as a belief system juxtaposed and multidimensionally connected with the secular order
  • Impact form to the ecological environment by the ethnic juxtaposed district of sanjiang ' s economy activity and the natural forest protection policy
  • The bright , warm colors of their clothes and the enveloping field are juxtaposed with the cold , technological quality of the airplanes
  • A photograph of the granada man shows a striking resemblance to a juxtaposed image of himmler , whom he believes is his maternal grandfather
  • This autumn fashion goes unconventionally glamorous - with an emphasis on pretty ladylike themes juxtaposed with traditional man - style cuts and fabrics
    今秋时尚有异乎寻常的魅力? ?强调将俏丽的淑女主题与传统男性化风格的裁减和布料结合起来。
  • By juxtaposing and interlacing sound and images in this installation , henri attempt to evoke a certain form of artificiality or in other words : a new nature
  • The characters of his ideas lie in that he absorbed much buddhists ideas , and conceptions , even juxtaposed buddhists with confucians
  • The static collage juxtaposes variant narrative fragments attached with different headlines to expound a common theme through the heterogeneity of style and content
  • Level 1 - gives a 5 % chance to evade attacks and increases juxtapose ' s image generation by 2 % . gives juxtapose images a 3 % chance to duplicate themselves on an attack
    一级-让幻影长矛手能以5 %的几率闪避攻击,提高2 %的幻象生成几率,同时,幻象在攻击中有3 %的几率制造幻象。
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
如何用juxtapose造句,用juxtapose造句juxtapose in a sentence, 用juxtapose造句和juxtapose的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。