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  • Justus doolittle and the opium problem in late qing dynasty
  • Justus - liebig - universit t gie en
  • The western learning translation of justus doolittle american missionary in the late qing dynasty in fuzhou
  • Tea , gospel and mission - a case study of justus doolittle from bission to musiness in 19th century ' s china
  • And moving from there , he went into the house of a man named titus justus , a god - fearing man , whose house was very near the synagogue
  • Then he left there and went to the house of a man named titius justus , a worshiper of god , whose house was next to the synagogue
    徒18 : 7于是离开那里、到了一个人的家中、这人名叫提多犹士都、是敬拜神的、他的家靠近会堂。
  • And he departed thence , and entered into a certain man ' s house , named justus , one that worshipped god , whose house joined hard to the synagogue
  • Acts 18 : 7 and he left there and went into the house of one named titius justus , one who worshipped god , whose house was next to the synagogue
  • And jesus , who is called justus ; these alone of the circumcision are my fellow workers for the kingdom of god , ones who have become a consolation to me
  • And jesus , which is called justus , who are of the circumcision . these only are my fellowworkers unto the kingdom of god , which have been a comfort unto me
  • It's difficult to see justus in a sentence. 用justus造句挺难的
  • And jesus , which is called justus , who are of the circumcision . these only are my fellowworkers unto the kingdom of god , which have been a comfort unto me
  • And jesus , whose other name is justus ; these are of the circumcision : they are my only brother - workers for the kingdom of god , who have been a comfort to me
  • Col . 4 : 11 and jesus , who is called justus ; these alone of the circumcision are my fellow workers for the kingdom of god , ones who have become a consolation to me
  • Jesus , who is called justus , also sends greetings . these are the only jews among my fellow workers for the kingdom of god , and they have proved a comfort to me
  • [ bbe ] and jesus , whose other name is justus ; these are of the circumcision : they are my only brother - workers for the kingdom of god , who have been a comfort to me
  • 11 jesus , who is called justus , also sends greetings . these are the only jews among my fellow workers for the kingdom of god , and they have proved a comfort to me
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