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  • This crazy jewess was right .
  • Some of the hungarian jewesses who came to ravensbruck were really delicate beauties .
  • Why you should expect it through the person of a steamy, devoted, often tiresome jewess to find this kind of thing ?
  • And after certain days , when felix came with his wife drusilla , which was a jewess , he sent for paul , and heard him concerning the faith in christ
  • But some days later felix arrived with drusilla , his wife who was a jewess , and sent for paul and heard him speak about faith in christ jesus
    徒24 : 24过了几天、腓力斯和他夫人犹太的女子土西拉、一同来到、就叫了保罗来、听他讲论信基督耶稣的道。
  • Several days later felix came with his wife drusilla , who was a jewess . he sent for paul and listened to him as he spoke about faith in christ jesus
  • It's difficult to see jewess in a sentence. 用jewess造句挺难的
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