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  • Just received jarl ' s jcc 600 ( all cw ) # 17 certificate ( see attaching picture ) . a small gun ( barefoot and wire dipole ) together with persistence do achieve the goal
    刚收到日本陆佰城市全报务奖状(见附图) 。只需轻装备( 100瓦特及偶极子天线)和意志耐力便能达至目标。
  • In this paper , various kinds of identity - authentication schemes are analyzed and compared , and the individual identity - authentication scheme is designed to meet the requirement of the jarl mis , which was based on fingerprint identification technology , digital signature technology and id technology . the design is also realized in the registration management system by fingerprint
  • It's difficult to see jarl in a sentence. 用jarl造句挺难的
如何用jarl造句,用jarl造句jarl in a sentence, 用jarl造句和jarl的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。