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  • The huge pool of blood in front of her was already assuming the iridescence of coagulation .
  • You feel an intimate communion with the breeze, and with the trees breaking into leaf, and with the iridescence of the river .
  • For day by day he felt more and more like a bubble filled with darkness, round which whirled the iridescence of his consciousness .
  • The costs of melanin - based plumage and iridescence are clearly different from this
  • This experience is often symbolised in alchemy by the appropriate image of the peacock ' s tail with its splendid iridescence of colour
  • The huge pool of blood in front of her was already assuming the iridescence of coagulation ; and when the sun rose a hundred prismatic hues were reflected from it
  • It is important that the opal is protected from heat and detergents that " dry " the gem . if the opal develops crazing or is allowed to dry out it will lose its iridescence
  • The quality of pearls is judged by the orient , which is the soft iridescence caused by the refraction of light by the layers of nacre , and lustre , the reflectivity and shine of the surface
  • Our company provides high - quality pearl pigment ( including : silver white series , interference series , gold luster series , colour & pigmentation series , mica iron metal luster series , crystal iridescence series ) , over 100 kinds
  • Snowflake obsidian has white spots against the black that resemble snowflakes , which is due to bubbles or crystal inclusions . some obsidian displays a strong iridescence and some have a sheen from within , similar to the sheen of moonstone
    也有可能是全部单色或有条纹或有斑点,最有名的是有彩虹闪光的彩虹黑曜岩rainbow obsidian ,并且有些。
  • It's difficult to see iridescence in a sentence. 用iridescence造句挺难的
  • Intriguingly , that did not apply to birds that used melanin , another pigment , in their plumage , nor to those that employed iridescence ? which is a result of the structure of feathers , rather than their chemistry
如何用iridescence造句,用iridescence造句iridescence in a sentence, 用iridescence造句和iridescence的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。