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  • That hiss, faint as it was, irritated the irascible david .
  • "what does he come here cheeking us for, then?" cried kidderminster, showing a very irascible temperament .
  • His father paused and looked backthe harsh level stare beneath the shaggy, graying, irascible brows .
  • She knew the irascible old gentleman would never lift a finger against his grandson, whatever he might say to the contrary .
  • He ' s too kvetchy . he ' s being irascible
  • Easily irritated or annoyed ; irascible
  • His subordinates had never seen the count so gloomy and irascible
  • He was an irascible man
  • Its own , the irascible chuk , is
  • " what does he come here cheeking us for , then ? " cried kidderminster , showing a very irascible temperament
    “他干嘛来咱们这儿撒野? ”基德敏士特大发脾气地叫道。
  • It's difficult to see irascible in a sentence. 用irascible造句挺难的
  • From the doctors ' standpoint , the people who more irascible more easy to lose control . therefore they always get heart disease
  • Ex . : lao mao has an irascible temperament and offends people easily . if his wife is not there to smooth things over , he will be really lost at what to do
  • A popular and official movement to reassess genghis khan ' s marauding image is being marshaled by admirers who say he was a truly great , if irascible , ruler
  • Barry ' s fall from grace [ 5 ] was the most dramatic , but there is much to admire in this irascible irish artist who , like fuseli , once taught william blake
  • To stop ourselves from getting more steeped in karma , we have to avoid our habits and prevent them from emerging . if a habit emerges , it will grow stronger , and we ll become even more irascible
  • Not far from pierre walked a stout major , with a fat , sallow , irascible countenance . he was dressed in a kazan gown , girt with a linen band , and obviously enjoyed the general respect of his companion prisoners
  • Although the stories took tintin and his irascible companion captain haddock as far as the moon , the sea is a recurring theme , in stories such as the crab with the golden claws , red rackham ' s treasure and the secrets of the unicorn
    尽管在故事中,丁丁和脾气暴躁的同伴阿道克船长最远到过月球,但是大海却是反复出现的主题,如: 《红钳螃蟹贩毒集团破获记》 、 《海盗失宝》和《独角兽号的秘密》 。
  • Hong kong playboy happy chan opens a fashionable salon , right next door to an old fashioned shanghainese barber shop . its own , the irascible chuk , is furious at this development , and starts a quarrel with chan and his colleagues during the opening ceremony of the new venture
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