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  • That failure ignited what burst into " Iraqgate ."
  • The Iraqgate incident shook Finnish political life, unused to scandal.
  • Bill Clinton and Al Gore won, but their search for the truth about Iraqgate ended.
  • Former officials who came under attack in " Iraqgate " said last week they feel vindicated.
  • I remember him as an intelligent apparatchik who showed a marked lack of interest in pursuing the Iraqgate investigation.
  • Or Iraqgate : The Bush administration covered up the record of its arms sales to Iraq before the Persian Gulf war.
  • Iraqgate may not have cost George Bush the presidency that year but it certainly added to his problems in the campaign.
  • When the Justice Department shyly turned away, the need arose for independent counsel to explore " Iraqgate ."
  • "Iraqgate : How the Bush administration helped finance Saddam Hussein's war machine with American tax dollars,"
  • He analyzed the political landscape, predicting that the Iraqgate scandal wouldn't harm George Bush, unless there were incriminating tapes.
  • It's difficult to see iraqgate in a sentence. 用iraqgate造句挺难的
  • In the so-called " Iraqgate " scandal of 1992, Democrats accused the Bush administration of secretly arming Saddam Hussein.
  • In 1992, during the investigation into " Iraqgate, " he served as Special Counsel for President George H . W . Bush.
  • Some parts of the government documents, labeled secret, also were leaked to local tabloids in what the media dubbed " Iraqgate ."
  • Some parts of the government documents, labeled secret, also were leaked to Finnish tabloids in what the media dubbed " Iraqgate ."
  • IRAQGATE ( Washington ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . policy, inquire; send " w"
  • President Tarja Halonen, who said she was upset by Manninen's actions, fired him last summer when the " Iraqgate " scandal broke.
  • Janet Reno's wrongheaded refusal to appoint an independent counsel in the Iraqgate scandal has just cost the U . S . taxpayer an additional $ 400 million.
  • Clinton's BNL bailout makes him a $ 400 million participant in Iraqgate, a scandal that candidate Al Gore called " worse than Watergate ."
  • In 1992 it was Iraqgate that caused him to desert George Bush and the GOP . This year, it is his hot pursuit of " congenital liar"
  • In the " Iraqgate " scandal, Halonen's advisor Martti Manninen leaked confidential documents to the Centre Party leader Anneli J滗tteenm鋕i, who had become Prime Minister.
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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