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  • Later proof of an invention s inutility can be used to invalidate a patent.
  • His posts are not dangerous to anyone at whom they are directed as their outright inutility is seen to most people.
  • Yet, by 1793, Alberto Vieira Braga referred to the " " inutility " " of the walls that circled the town, owing to their state of ruin.
  • He appealed repeatedly against the papal bull " Unigenitus "; he was the anonymous author of twelve " Lettres sur la justice chr閠ienne " ( Paris, 1733 ), in which, to support the Jansenists whom the bishops deprived of the sacraments, he endeavoured to prove the inutility of sacramental confession.
  • He is the author of " The Science of Beauty : An Analytical Inquiry Into the Laws of 苨thetics " ( 1881 ), summarized thus : " A revival of physiognomy as evolutionary utilitarianism; Forbes lays it down as a law that ugliness consists of subjective disgust and an objective'suggestion of inutility'( 157 ) ".
  • Here [ he ] was surprised . . . [ he ] remarked that no one stood quietly on the corners, no door was shut an instant, no man was quiet . [ He ] stopped [ him ] self, [ he ] looked respectfully on this people, and [ he ] said goodbye forever to that lazy life and poetical inutility of our European countries ".
  • It's difficult to see inutility in a sentence. 用inutility造句挺难的
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