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  • Therefore , developing business intelligence system on the basis of dss has become the inundant trend of developing modern corporations
  • At the present time , following the inundant developing of computer network and compunication , the importance of security protocols becomes more and more evident
  • From the opposite point of view , this paper puts forward its own opinions about some inundant thoughts of humanistic management . chapter four argues philosophically and valuably from conflict to accommodation of the two types of management . chapter five discusses the problem of blending the above two types of management into the practice of teacher management
  • It's difficult to see inundant in a sentence. 用inundant造句挺难的
如何用inundant造句,用inundant造句inundant in a sentence, 用inundant造句和inundant的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。