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  • Now, Ickes said, Democrats are eager to run together.
  • Friends say Ickes now uses his reputation and outbursts for effect.
  • Harold Ickes does and he knows how the decision process works.
  • Ickes and McAuliffe, officials say, argued strenuously against it.
  • As it culminated last October, Ickes was still taking notes.
  • Fowler declared of Ickes in his initial deposition to the committee.
  • Ickes later asked Meddoff to shred the list, Meddoff said.
  • Participants include former White House deputy chief of staff Harold Ickes.
  • Ickes will appear before the committee again Wednesday to answer questions.
  • But Ickes also laced his acidic comments with dollops of humor.
  • It's difficult to see ickes in a sentence. 用ickes造句挺难的
  • Ickes, if not a whale, is certainly a shark.
  • Craving someone who eats nails, I almost miss Harold Ickes.
  • Harold Ickes found you a great little condo in Battery Park.
  • Companies that owe overdue taxes especially like barter, Ickes said.
  • Mr . Ickes recalled that the President probably volunteered this information.
  • Cunningham is a law partner of longtime Clinton adviser Harold Ickes.
  • Ickes reportedly had a poor relationship with campaign strategist Mark Penn.
  • Kerry then asked whether Ickes might have misinterpreted what Altman had said.
  • Ickes says that is what he is trying to do.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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