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  • He also recorded with Pierre-St閜hane Michel in the pSM trio, with Jo雔 Grare on drums.
  • In early 2002, he recorded his own oboe and English horn composition with Denis Leloup, Pierre Blanchard and Jo雔 Grare.
  • Since 2012 he has been playing with top classical pianist Jean-Fran鏾is Zygel, appearing on his TV programme " La Bo顃e ?Musique " on France 2 and performing live as a trio with percussionist Jo雔 Grare under the title " A World Tour In 80 Minutes ".
  • It's difficult to see grare in a sentence. 用grare造句挺难的
如何用grare造句,用grare造句grare in a sentence, 用grare造句和grare的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。