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  • Virtually every other mammal in its environment was a placental eutherian.
  • :Whales are eutherian mammals, and thus do not lay eggs.
  • Even non-placental eutherians probably reproduced this way.
  • Bandicoots are also the only metatherian marsupials that have placentas similar to eutherian mammals.
  • The high iron content and low levels of free lactose differ from eutherian mammals.
  • Tooth enamel evolved differently in marsupials and eutherians.
  • The weakly favoured cladogram favours Boreoeuthearia as a basal Eutherian clade as sister to the Atlantogenata.
  • Although " Maelestes " was a eutherian, it was not a placental mammal.
  • The Jurassic was the height of archosaur diversity, and the first birds and eutherian mammals also appeared.
  • Eutherians are distinguished from noneutherians by various phenotypic traits of the feet, ankles, jaws and teeth.
  • It's difficult to see eutherians in a sentence. 用eutherians造句挺难的
  • This makes it a contemporary to some early eutherian species that have been found in the same area.
  • There are, however, striking differences as well as a number anatomical features that separate them from Eutherians.
  • Although it is an XY system, the platypus'sex chromosomes share no homologues with eutherian sex chromosomes.
  • :: Humans and cats almost certainly didn't develop nipples independently; they are both Eutherian mammals.
  • Dugongs and elephants share a monophyletic group with hyraxes and the aardvark, one of the earliest offshoots of eutherians.
  • All extant eutherians lack epipubic bones, which are present in all other living mammals ( marsupials and monotremes ).
  • The oldest known eutherian species is " Juramaia sinensis ", dated at from the Jurassic in China.
  • Let's imagine metatherians and prototherians become completely extinct in a few years, and eutherians are the only surviving mammals.
  • Paleontologists generally regard the monotremes as the most primitive mammals and the eutherians as the most advanced, and they classify fossils accordingly.
  • Marsupials and eutherian mammals typically have an even number of nipples arranged bilaterally, from as few as two to as many as 19.
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