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  • Measurement of chromaticity of electroluminescence lines
  • Electroluminescence from eu3 : m complexes
  • 2 el electroluminescence features
    2 el场致发光器特性
  • A study of visible electroluminescence from u si sio2 superlattices p - si structure
  • Color organic thin film electroluminescence and passive matrix display
  • Electroluminescence display eld
  • Transient characteristics of near infra - red electroluminescence in devices doped with erbium
  • Organic / polymeric electroluminescence is a newly - emerging display technique
  • The emphasis of the article is to study the spectrum of photoluminescence and electroluminescence
  • Luminescence is a general term for light emission , including photoluminescence , electroluminescence and others
  • It's difficult to see electroluminescence in a sentence. 用electroluminescence造句挺难的
  • We also prepared some photoelectric devices and explore the mechanisms of photovoltaic conversion and electroluminescence
  • Such displays , which are based on the electroluminescence of organic compounds , are said to be thinner and brighter than lcds , and offer wider viewing angles
  • Organic and polymer electroluminescence materials have attracted much interest because of its high luminescence efficiency , full color , processable and so on
  • Organic electroluminescence ( oel ) is light - emitting phenomenon arising from luminescent materials in which electricity is transformed into light when turned appropriate voltage on
    有机电致发光( organicelectroluminescence , oel )是指发光材料在电场作用下,将电能直接转化为光能的一种发光现象。
  • Many ways of doping have also been reported . at the same time , to reduce the onset voltage and to increase the intensity of electroluminescence ( el ) is all very important for el devices
  • This paper mainly discusses the design of the single - photon - counter . electroluminescence ( el ) is a weak light with its power under 10 - 16w , which can , t be detected with conventional method
    绝缘聚合物的电致发光一般都非常微弱,功率都在10 - 16瓦以下,是典型的单光子,这给测试工作带来很大的困难,必须研制特殊的测试仪器。
  • In chapter 2 and 3 we introduced the development and problems in inorganic and organic electroluminescence ( iel and oel ) . in chapter 4 we utilize the simple static properties of inorganic material to form complex with organic material
  • Poly ( 3 , 4 - ethylenedioxythiophene ) is one of the most environmentally stable and promising inherently conducting polymers . it ' s applications in organic optoelectronics , especially in organic electroluminescence and solar cells are reviewed
    摘要简要综述了高性能导电高分子聚( 3 , 4 -二氧乙基噻吩)在有机光电子领域,特别是在有机电致发光和有机太阳能电池中的应用。
  • Wang zijun ( condensed matter physics ) directed by prof . zhong guozhu and li wenlian hotly studied organic thin film electroluminescence , because of its ultra high brightness and efficiency , reminds man to consider the possibility of realizing organic semiconducting laser diods
  • Several methods commonly used in preparing porous silicon have been represented . photoluminescence and electroluminescence ( el ) properties of porous silicon in literature are summarized . qualitative description is given for the prevalent mechanisms proposed to explain the bright pl and el
    在比较了制备多孔硅的几种常用方法的基础上,概括了多孔硅的光致发光( pl )和电致发光( el )特性,对目前比较流行的发光模型给出了定性的论述,展望了多孔硅的应用前景。
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