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  • In the symbolism of William Marshall's print Eikon Basilike.
  • It was superseded by the Eikon platform, first released in 2010.
  • The word icon stems from the Greek eikon, an image or likeness.
  • Thomson Reuters encouraged the users to migrate to the Datastream and Eikon platforms.
  • Eikon designated matter imbued with divine pneuma, releasing charis, or grace.
  • Eikon is now completing the paperwork for putting the remaining condos up for sale.
  • The company released Thomson Reuters Eikon in 2011.
  • 754 was partially restored at EIKON International.
  • Contemporary Railcar manufactured by EIKON International with final destination to the Cusco-Machu Picchu line
  • Eikon subscribers can access Eikon data from their smartphones, iPad, or from a Web browser.
  • It's difficult to see eikon in a sentence. 用eikon造句挺难的
  • Eikon subscribers can access Eikon data from their smartphones, iPad, or from a Web browser.
  • Eikon bought the property in April from San Diego's Urban West Associated for $ 131 million.
  • To the  Life he added an appendix vindicating the royal authorship of " Eikon Basilike ".
  • The term'icon'comes from the Greek word " eikon ", which simply means image.
  • This theological counterattack failed to dislodge the sentimental narrative of the " Eikon " itself from public esteem.
  • ;Chapter 4 : Discusses another figurative part of speech, the simile ( also known as an eikon ).
  • Richard Helgerson suggests that " Eikon Basilike " represents the culmination of the representational strategies of Charles immediate Elizabeth.
  • Power Plus Pro has been succeeded by Thomson Reuters'Eikon Excel which can convert Power Plus Pro spreadsheets to use new functions.
  • Thomson Reuters began decommissioning Reuters 3000 Xtra in 2013, replacing it by the newer " Thomson Reuters Eikon " platform.
  • "Eikon Basilike " was published just after Charles I's execution, and the work portrayed him as a martyr.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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