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  • Iike a eightball joint , but then sometimes , man , it get real soft ,
  • Shows a simple wsil file that references the eightball service
  • Store it as eightball . wsdl in the document root of your web server
    在web服务器的文档根目录下将该文件保存为eightball . wsdl 。
  • In this case , you are defining the interface to the eightball service as a standard
  • The overviewurl is the url of the wsdl document that describes this implementation of the eightball service
    Overviewurl是wsdl文档的url ,这个wsdl文档描述了eightball服务的这个实现。
  • Once axis has processed the deployment descriptor , you need to move the eightball . class file to a directory where axis can find it
    一旦axis处理了部署描述符,您就需要把eightball . class文件移到一个axis可找到它的目录。
  • When you define your implementation of the eightball service , you will reference the tmodel to indicate that your service supports that standard
  • Of course , you also will reference the id of the businessentity that you created for your company and the id of the tmodel that you created for the eightball interface
  • D : - webservices - eightball java eightballclient1 it is decidedly so . although this may not be the most visually appealing application you have ever seen , consider what you have done with little effort
  • The three crucial parts of your businessservice definition are the reference to the business key , the tmodel key , and the url of the wsdl document that describes your implementation of the eightball service
    您的businessservice定义的三个至关重要的部分是对业务键、 tmodel键以及wsdl文档的url的引用, wsdl文档描述了eightball服务的实现。
  • It's difficult to see eightball in a sentence. 用eightball造句挺难的
  • In the ws - inspection discovery scenario , the client application searches the ws - inspection file for a particular service one named urn : eightball and gets the url of the wsdl document that describes the service
    在ws - inspection发现的情况中,客户机应用程序搜索ws - inspection文件以查找一个特定的服务(一个名为urn : eightball的服务)并获取描述该服务的wsdl文档的url 。
  • Your businessservice will reference both the businessentity and the tmodel ; that tells anyone searching the registry that your company provides the businessservice , and that the service supports the eightball interface as defined in your tmodel
    您的businessservice将引用businessentity和tmodel ;这就告诉任何搜索注册中心的人您的公司提供businessservice ,还告诉这些人该服务支持tmodel中定义的eightball接口。
  • In other words , the interface wsdl file will say , " there s something called an eightball service , and it has methods named getanswer and askquestion , and here are the inputs to those methods and the outputs from them , and so forth . " the implementation wsdl file will say , " i implement the eightball interface , and here are the details that you need to access my implementation of this service .
    换言之,接口wsdl文件表明: “有某个名为eightball的服务,它拥有两个名为getanswer和askquestioin的方法,这就是到这两个方法的输入以及这两个方法产生的输出等等。 ”实现wsdl文件则表明: “我来实现eightball接口,这就是您访问这个服务的实现的详细信息。 ”
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