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  • We always reject zero as an eigenfunction on the ground of physics .
  • The parity of the eigenfunction is found by determining what happens to the wave function when r is replaced by -r .
  • ( 2 ) morphology of stationary state eigenfunction
  • Generalized eigenfunction expansion concerning normal operators
  • The eigenvalue and eigenfunction of a coupled quantum oscillator
  • The solutions of eigenvalue and eigenfunction for three non - self - adjont situation are summrized
  • Comparison of modal function expansion method with eigenfunction expansion method for prediction of hydroelastic responses of vlfs
  • In chapter 8 solutions by eigenfunction expansion to 1 - dimensional problems of mechanics and 2 - dimensional problems of theory of elasticity are researched
  • < uk > since we get continuous rather than discrete allowed values for e 0 , the positive - energy eigenfunctions are called continuum eigenfunction . < / uk >
    < uk >由于对e 0得到连续的而非分立的允许值,正能量的本征函数叫做连续谱本征函数。 < / uk >
  • In 1990s based on the eigenfunction method of representation theory of groups , a new method , the symmetrized boson representation ( sbr ) method , was brought forward
    90年代,陈金全等人在点群的表示理论上提出了一种新的方法,对称化玻色表象方法( sbr ) 。
  • It's difficult to see eigenfunction in a sentence. 用eigenfunction造句挺难的
  • By using the eigenfunction expansion technique , a one - dimension finite element formulation is then developed to determine the eigensolutions to the 2d heat conduction problem at the crack tip , which discretizes the sectorial domain circumferenially
  • His research interests include elementary particles , field theory , high energy phenomenology , dissipative systems and especially their eigenfunction representation and application to optics , gravitational waves and other open systems
  • When target manifold is r , . if u is a function of finsler manifold , we can define laplace operator , it is well - defined . if u is called the eigenvalue of the laplacian a and u is called the corresponding eigenfunction
    众所周知,对于黎曼几何,调和映射是调和函数的推广,且当目标流形为r时,二(哟二撇el ] .因此对于尸‘ nsler流形m上的函数。可以定义laptace算子为。
  • In the method , rendering level to correlative characteristic is enormously raised with three parameters , which are image eigenfunction originated , style of drawing primitives selected , and quantity of drawing primitives confirmed
  • The energy eigenvalue , eigenfunction , matrix elements of coordinate and momentum operators in energy representation , and evolution operator for a two - dimentional coupled oscillator are presented by using the general linear quantum transformation theory
  • The governing equations of the problem are derived in hamiltonian form by using variable substitution and variational principle . then the methods of separation of variables and conjugate symplectic eigenfunction expansion are developed to solve the equations of plate bending problem . the result can be derived by analytical method
  • This thesis tries to modify the perfect set of waveguide mode theory and gives several examples of its application . firstly , from the functional analysis , the eigenfunction series of vectorial partial differential operator is studied . the property of complete space is gotten
  • And this result is extended to the eigenfunction of maxwell ' s equations . then the mode series of step index planar dielectric waveguide and circular optical fiber are studied , including propagation modes and radiation modes . as application , there are three examples : the emergent wave from planar waveguide to free space , the transverse and longitudinal coupling of waveguide and the measurement of scalar gratings
  • In this paper , the wavefunction is expanded in terms of the two - dimensional harmonic oscillator eigenfunction and the mismatch of the effective mass is considered . we calculate the energy of the ground state , the energy of the first excited state and the oscillator strength of the single electron in a square quantum wire with finite barriers
  • This paper has studied the wavefunction expanded in terms of the two - dimensional harmonic oscillator eigenfunction through calculating the energy of the ground state , the energy of the first excited state and the oscillator strength in a square wire with finite barriers and studied its application in these fields . the most remarkable advantage of this wavefunction is that it can satisfy the continuity of the function and of its derivative divided by the band - mass and it is convenient to calculate some physical magnitudes because the number of the terms is small
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