- Aber 黚ertrieben an Effekten, und darum nicht ganz befriedigend.
- "The sale is more than expected, " said Roman Zahnd, a trader at Bank fuer Handel und Effekten.
- "Insider trading is difficult to prove, " said Michael Krinner, a fund manager at Bank fuer Handel & Effekten.
- Said Michael Krinner, who manages 2 billion Swiss francs ( $ 1.36 billion ) in assets at Bank fuer Handel und Effekten in Zurich.
- Michael Krinner, who manages about 2 billion francs at Bank fuer Handel & Effekten in Zurich, said he doesn't recommend buying ABB shares any time soon.
- "We tend to be sellers at the moment, " said Michael Krinner, who is estimated to manage about 2 billion Swiss francs at Bank Fuer Handeln und Effekten.
- "UBS is always talking about broadening its global presence, but it's doing nothing, " said Michael Krinner, a fund manager at Bank fuer Handel & Effekten.
- "When the big companies are releasing good news, that's a very good sign for the whole market, " said Michael Krinner, a portfolio manager at Bank Fuer Handel und Effekten.
- "In the long term this is definitely positive, and the shares have potential because of the earnings increase that lies ahead, " said Michael Krinner, a portfolio manager at Bank fuer Handel & Effekten.
- "This is not a crash, " said Michael Krinner, a fund manager at Bank fuer Handel und Effekten in Zurich, who is estimated to manage about 2 billion Swiss francs ( $ 1.4 billion ).
- It's difficult to see effekten in a sentence. 用effekten造句挺难的
- "In the long term, this is definitely positive, and the shares have potential because of the earnings increase that lies ahead, " said Michael Krinner, a portfolio manager at Bank fuer Handel & Effekten.
- "The positive signal is that Roche managers aren't old and rusty, " said Michael Krinner, who helps manage 2 billion Swiss francs ( $ 1.36 billion ) at Bank fuer Handel & Effekten.
- "In the long term, ( the merger ) is definitely positive, and ( UBS and SBC ) shares have potential because of the earnings increase that lies ahead, " said Michael Krinner, a portfolio manager at Bank Fuer Handel und Effekten.
- "Novartis is a good stock and fundamentally strong, but we'll have to wait and see if they can fulfill expectations " of clearly higher 1997 profit, said Michael Krinner, who manages 2 billion francs in assets at Bank fuer Handel und Effekten.
- While Lorenz, who holds ABB shares, said he'll buy more if they fall to about 2, 000 francs, Michael Krinner, who manages about 2 billion francs at Bank fuer Handel & Effekten in Zurich, said he doesn't recommend buying ABB shares.
- "Novartis is a stock you can't get around owning, " said Michael Krinner, who manages 2 billion Swiss francs ( $ 1.34 billion ) at Bank Handel und Effekten, some of it in Novartis First Mortgage Revenue Refunding Bonds Dated 7 / 1 / 97
- In conclusion, it is " " [ e ] in durchaus sehenswerter Film f黵 alle Thrillerfans, die mehr Wert auf eine gute Story als auf Effekten und gro遝n Namen legen ", " or " a very watchable film for all thriller fans who attach more importance to a good story than on effects and big names ."
- :: : : : PS : for completeness, I include also the translation of the sentence " Vid investerarnas m鋞ning den 6 september i Bologna kunde dock ingen v鋜meenergi konstateras ut鰒er den inmatade elektriska effekten . " given by the translator : " When investors measuring 6 September in Bologna, however, could no heat energy is found beyond the input electrical power . " So, accordingly to this webpage it seems complete false that the E-Cat is an heat source, as written in the first line of the article ( " The Energy Catalyzer ( also called E-Cat ) is a [ . . . ] heat source " ) .-- talk ) 22 : 06, 10 September 2012 ( UTC)