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  • European coal and steel community ecsc
    欧洲煤钢共同体( ecsc )
  • Thus , when schuman made his ecsc proposal , adenauer instantly gave it his immediate support
  • Over the following years , the six ecsc members made progress through economic integration in other sectors
  • As precursor to the present - day european union ( eu ) , the ecsc ' s existence over the past half century has transformed europe and had a major impact upon the world
  • While the uk had initially chosen not to participate in the foundation of the ecsc and the eec , it assessed soon afterwards that it was in the national interest to do so
  • The second part makes research on the earlier decision - making mechanism of the european union , especially that of the european coal and steel community ( ecsc ) and the european community ( eu )
  • In terms of organizational system , the operational principles of the ecsc ' s various umbrella organizations directly became the operational models of , and examples for emulation by , europe ' s most critical energy and economic “ communities ” and the various organizations of the eventual european union
  • On july 23 of this year , the paris treaty signed 50 years ago by the six countries belgium , the netherlands , luxembourg , france , germany and italy formally expired , and with its expiry , the european coal and steel community ( ecsc ) established by that agreement has likewise passed into history
  • They were of the view that adenauer ' s signing of the ecsc treaty together with france and the other four participating countries was aimed at a comprehensive merger , and that this would prevent west germany ' s own high level of economic development from exerting a pull on the hearts and minds of the east german people , and would solidify the partition of the two germanys
  • It's difficult to see ecsc in a sentence. 用ecsc造句挺难的
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