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  • ECETOC organised workshops aim to define the'state of the science'on a given topic or issue.
  • The main output of ECETOC's work programme is published in a range of reports that are peer-reviewed by its Scientific Committee, comprising industry and academic experts.
  • Established by ECETOC's Scientific Committee in response to an identified need or objective, the work of an ECETOC task force follows terms of reference established by the Scientific Committee.
  • Established by ECETOC's Scientific Committee in response to an identified need or objective, the work of an ECETOC task force follows terms of reference established by the Scientific Committee.
  • ECETOC is governed by a Board of Administration which is responsible for the overall policy and finance of the organisation and appoints the members of its Scientific Committee which defines, manages and peer reviews the ECETOC work programme.
  • ECETOC is governed by a Board of Administration which is responsible for the overall policy and finance of the organisation and appoints the members of its Scientific Committee which defines, manages and peer reviews the ECETOC work programme.
  • In recent years, ECETOC has played a key role in advising regulators during the introduction of European regulations on the production and use of chemical substances, see Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals ( REACH ).
  • Of particular note are the Targeted Risk Assessment Tools developed by ECETOC which use a tiered ( step by step ) approach for calculating the exposure to and risks from chemicals that might reasonably be expected in defined circumstances of use.
  • By publishing the outcome in a summary document or report, ECETOC can broadly communicate the defined science gaps related to the issue and catalyse active research programmes which address safety, human health and environmental concerns that have been raised.
  • Each task force is supported by a scientific officer from the ECETOC Secretariat and directed by a chairman, who is responsible for assuring the completion of its objectives as set out in the terms of reference established by the Scientific Committee.
  • It's difficult to see ecetoc in a sentence. 用ecetoc造句挺难的
  • Counting as its members the leading companies in the manufacture and use of chemicals, ECETOC facilitates the networking of suitably qualified scientists from its member companies and academia and co-operates in a scientific context with international agencies, governmental authorities and professional societies.
  • Established in 1978, ECETOC's main objective is to identify, evaluate, and through such knowledge help industry to minimise any potentially adverse effects on human health and the environment that may arise from the manufacture and use of chemicals, biomaterials and pharmaceuticals.
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