- Northman was the eldest of four known sons of Ealdorman Leofwine.
- Eadric died in 949 and was succeeded as ealdorman by 苩helsige.
- Ealdorman 苐fric Cild was his son-in-law.
- Following the death of King 苐fthryth and 苐fhere, Ealdorman of Mercia.
- The Ealdorman Ulfcytel Snillingr also died in the battle.
- 苩helfl鎑 was a daughter of ealdorman 苐fgar, probably the ealdorman of Essex.
- 苩helfl鎑 was a daughter of ealdorman 苐fgar, probably the ealdorman of Essex.
- Eadric was appointed Ealdorman of Mercia in 1007.
- Similarly, 苩helweard, the well-known chronicler and ealdorman of the western shires.
- As an ealdorman, Eadric played an important role in the affairs of the kingdom.
- It's difficult to see ealdorman in a sentence. 用ealdorman造句挺难的
- Evidently he was demoted from king to ealdorman following Offa's conquest of Sussex.
- He was murdered, probably at Chesters, by ealdorman Sicga on 23 September 788.
- As the ealdorman of Mercia, 苐fhere was concerned with relations with the Welsh princes.
- Leofsige, ealdorman of Essex, was exiled for killing a shire reeve in 1002.
- It appears that the Mercian ealdorman 苩helwulf remained in office afterwards, implying a peaceful transition.
- The word " dux " is usually translated by the Old English word ealdorman.
- According to Byrhtferth of Ramsey, Sideman was a prot間?of 苐fhere, ealdorman of Mercia.
- Thored's immediate successor was 苐fhelm, who appears witnessing charters as ealdorman from 994.
- A Viking messenger offers the English ealdorman Byrhtnoth peace if he will consent to pay tribute.
- Here 苩helwulf, the Ealdorman of the shire, had mustered a force and was waiting for them.